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Re:TARDIS / Specialty Commands

Home / Specialty Commands

Specialty Commands

Special Commands for Server Owners, Admins, and the like

Admin Command

Allows performing commands on another player's TARDIS

Permission: tardis.admin

Usage: /Tardis Admin [Player] [Call | Home] <Set>

  • Admin [Player] Call

    Sends the specified player's TARDIS to the block you are looking at

  • Admin [Player] Home

    Sends the specified player's TARDIS to its home location

  • Admin [Player] Home Set

    Sets the specified player's TARDIS' home location to its current location

No Fly Command

Allows setting individual chunks as no-fly zones to prevent TARDISes from landing in them. Can be used to protect spawn or special structures from having players invade them with their TARDISes (You can use F3+g to display chunk boundaries)

Permission: tardis.noFly

Usage: /Tardis NoFly [Add | Remove | Check]

  • NoFly Add

    Adds the chunk you are in to the no-fly chunk list preventing players from landing their TARDISes in it

  • NoFly Remove

    Removes the chunk you are in from the no-fly chunk list, allowing players to land their TARDISes in it

  • NoFly Check

    Tells you if the current chunk you are in is in the no-fly chunk list. Tells you if players can land their TARDISes in it or not.

Reload Schematics Command

Reloads all schematics from the schematics folder. Allows adding in new schematics and modifying existing schematic files manually without needing to restart your server

Permission: tardis.schematics

Usage: /Tardis ReloadSchematics

Create Schematics Command

Allows creating custom schematics for TARDISes to use on your server (See Creating your own TARDIS Schematics for detailed information)

Permission: tardis.schematics

Usage: /Tardis Schematic <Save | Validate | Set | Cancel> <Name | Data>

  • Schematic

    Starts the process of creating a new schematic

  • Schematic Cancel

    Stops creating a Schematic if you are in the middle of creating one

  • Schematic Validate

    Checks to see if what you currently have selected is valid for the selected schematic type

  • Schematic Save [Name]

    Saves the schematic with the given name. Only a single word is allowed for the name. Names will automatically be converted to replace underscores with spaces and make the individual words to start with capital letters for display purposes (eg. 'cool_room_name' will turn into 'Cool Room Name' when displaying)

  • Schematic Set [Type] [Info]

    Sets additional data about the schematic (See Creating your own TARDIS Schematics for a detailed breakdown)
